
ArcWorlde: Second Edition

Created by Warploque Miniatures

A new tabletop game of narrative battles, set in a quirky fantasy world and brought to life by unique hand-sculpted miniatures.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

ArcWorlde Hobby Hangout - Going live at 9pm!
about 4 years ago – Thu, Mar 26, 2020 at 02:16:52 PM

Ho there, Arcfans!

Come and join me for some hobby hangout at 9pm tonight! Follow the link to find the stream -


- Alex

ArcWorlde Live Stream - 9pm on Thursday!
about 4 years ago – Wed, Mar 25, 2020 at 07:01:18 PM

Hey guys! 

I'll be doing a Live Stream at 9pm (UK time) tomorrow night, painting up a few of the ArcWorlde: Second Edition Kickstarter models. If you have any questions you'd like me to answer, please comment below!


- Alex

Free Print-and-Play Miniatures for the coming weeks...
about 4 years ago – Mon, Mar 23, 2020 at 09:29:53 AM

Ho there, ArcFans!

Hope you are all doing well, and keeping yourself and your loved ones safe in these odd times!

With us all looking to be locked inside for the foreseeable future, and with your KS parcels still being worked on, I thought I'd rustle up something special for everyone:

Click here to download the files

Now all you need is a printer to get cracking with ArcWorlde! Each 'miniature' has been hand drawn by myself, and I'm pretty happy with how they've turned out.

Who's hoping to get some games of ArcWorlde in before the KS parcels arrive?


- Alex

Core Rulebook Complete! And Covid Capers...
about 4 years ago – Wed, Mar 18, 2020 at 12:36:25 AM

Ho there, ArcFans!

Hope you are all well, and are looking after yourself and your loved ones in this most bizarre of times.

I bring good tidings in-amongst all of the odd news - the first draft of the ArcWorlde: Second Edition Core Rules booklet is finished!

The files has just been sent off to the printers for a test print before the main batch is manufactured. This will allow me the chance to pick up on any errors in the document before I get 1000 of them printed, aha!

To give you all something to do whilst you are all in self-isolation, here's a link to the PDF -

Let me know what you think! I'd love to hear any feedback before the final print run.

Coronavirus and the Kickstarter

Although the world seems like it is grinding to a halt, progress on the Kickstarter is going ahead unhindered. Our casters are still grinding through all the work, and everything is almost ready to start packing and shipment.

Things may take a little while to get packed, as I'm avoiding going home for a while until we know a little more about the effects of the virus. My dad, Rob, is recovering from a recent bout of lung cancer, and my octogenarian Grandma also lives at my parents' house, and I'd hate for them to catch anything off me. However, my mum and dad have assured me they will pack as much as they can on their own, the heroes, so at least some of the parcels should still be sent out next month.

If you have any questions, please comment and I'll get back to you when I can!


- Alex

The Final Few Weeks...
about 4 years ago – Tue, Mar 03, 2020 at 11:13:45 PM

Ho there, Arcfans!

Hope you are all well, and are enjoying the steady creep into spring! Sorry, Southern Hemisphere lot, you’ve had your fun. Now it’s our turn, aha!

I just thought I’d give you all a general update on how things are going with the project, as we enter the final few weeks.

Working on the Core Rules Booklet

As I finished sculpting all the minis in January, I’ve been spending most of my time laying out the Core Rules Booklet. I’ve been a tad distracted with moving house, but I think it’s coming along nicely. Here’s a little sneak peek (first draft) of some of the pages…

Casting Update

Both our two casters have been working like crazy to get everything ready on time, and things are coming along well!

Our metal caster Jon has been cracking on at an amazing pace, and is due to finish all of the metal miniatures soon. Even if his workshop has been flooded for the past three weeks, due to the terrible weather in England at the moment...

Our resin caster Rob, my dad, is also making amazing progress with the resin miniatures. Even though we had a scare just before Christmas, and he had to have two very large operations, Dad’s now on the mend after a few months of rest and recovery. This has put us a little further behind than we originally had hoped, but he’s doing an astonishing job at making up for lost time.

Packing and Shipment

As things stand, we are currently on track to start shipment on time. With Salute 2020 (our biggest and busiest show of the year) rapidly approaching, we are aiming to ship the first wave of UK parcels (everything other than the Artisan 2 and 3 pledges which are due in June and July) before the 18th of April. We are choosing this date as a cut off point as we would like to be able to promote and sell ArcWorlde at the event, something we would feel uncomfortable doing if the UK backers hadn’t received their pledges. Even if we manage to get these parcels sent off on time, as a sign of respect to the Artisan 2 and 3 Backers we will only be selling the metal casts of models (if they were available in metal or resin) at Salute 2020.

After Salute is out of the way we will crack on with shipping the first wave of international parcels (everything other than the Artisan 2 and 3 pledges which are due in June and July) to backers, starting as soon as we get back from London. If all goes to plan, we’ll have those shipped on time before the end of April.

After these have been shipped, Dad will be cracking on with the Artisan 2 and 3 pledges, which I am sure will be on time.

If you have any questions about the shipping process, please do not hesitate to message! We’ve got a lot of work ahead of us, but we will make sure we get everything out to the timescale we promised at the start of the campaign.

Adepticon 2020

Speaking of shows, as the final casting is taking place, and the rulebooks are being printed, I’m going on an adventure!

This year I’ll be attending Adepticon 2020 to demo ArcWorlde to all you lovely Americans. I won’t have a stall, but will be propping up a table in the free-play area for the whole week. If any of you are about, or even already attending the show, it’d be great to meet you!

Anyway, that’s all for now, folks. If there are any more updates I’ll let you know!


- Alex